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Response to Spring Town Hall

Submitted by Bookworm Hienrichs on February 23, 2015 – 9:57am

As I wasn’t at the meeting (since I didn’t know about it until it was too late), you get to put up with me rambling here. Consider it your punishment, Tenk.

First of all, I keep hearing about plans for what to do with the "Welcome Center (Coming Soon)" spot – aka Kaylee’s old build. Considering that I own that spot, it would be nice if folks actually talked to me directly about it, instead of me hearing things second- or third-hand. I do actually have a vision for it, which I’ve not yet had the time – or the skills – to do.

I see it as a welcome center for those who are seeing the city for the first time. To me, that means one thing: KISS. Keep It Simple… erm… Siblings. Yeah. Most casual visitors aren’t interested in wading through pages of information; they’re looking for the basics. I think we could give that to them quite easily.

This is what I was thinking could go in it:

Poster – New Babbage: The TL;DR version

Pithy list of the basics of the city (see comment below for what I thought to put in it)

Put in sections underneath to click for detailed notecards (covenant, real estate, building rules)

City map

Like real estate map, but showing ‘You are here’ tag, as well as tags (and SLURLs) of notable builds – City Hall, Piermont Landing, Brunel Hall, Clarendon, Burton Library, AEther Salon, various museums – what else?

Events Calendar (Google calendar on a prim, if I can figure out how to do that)

Freebies – Clothing, calendar, tourist t-shirt, engineer’s caps, welcome kit, etc.

Few choice pictures

Group inviter

Caledon Oxbridge classes?

On/off-line indicators for estate managers? Or at least list of names?

The whole RP Welcome Center thing… I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad idea, but it’s more for someone who’s already interested in the city, not those who are casually visiting. And frankly, I think the Burton Library would be the logical place for it, if Ms. Puchkina agreed to it.

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